Friday, April 2, 2010

Natural treatment for PMDD and severe PMS .

can be administered by a holistic or medical doctor. The exact cause of PMDD and severe PMS is not known, however, several theories have been proposed. One theory states that women with PMDD react to the normal fluctuations of hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone with a decreased level of serotonin levels in the brain. Evaluating the levels of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and GABA levels to gain data of what levels are. Doctors taking a medical history try to identify if the following symptoms are present, indicating PMDD or severe PMS:

during a year's time, during most menstrual cycles, five or more of the following symptoms must be present:

- depressed mood
- anger or irritability
- moodiness
- difficulty in concentrating
- increased appetite
- insomnia or hypersomnia
- feeling overwhelmed or out of control
- symptoms that inhibit occupational, social or physical functioning

Natural Treatment for PMDD and severe PMS - Natural Treatments

To successfully achieve relief with natural treatment for PMDD and severe PMS it is necessary to understand some things about the menstrual cycle. The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle begins on Day 14, after ovulation occurs and continues until Day 1 of your next period. A small study done at UCLA (Rasgon et al, 1999) tested L-tryptophan in women who suffered from PMS and found that even at high levels of tryptophan in the blood stream a the uptake of L-tryptophan decreased during the luteal phase. L-tryptophan is the precursor (needed to produce the calming hormone, serotonin). Women who suffer from PMDD and severe PMS seem to have a more difficult time processing certain amino acids (animal proteins) at that time.

This is the reasoning behind limiting animal protein during the highest levels of estrogen and progesterone. Researchers point to the possibility of enzymatic differences between women with PMDD and PMS and those who don't suffer.

The saturated fat and cholesterol in meat and fatty dairy products tend to raise blood levels of all sex hormones, in particular estrogen, adversely affecting symptoms of PMS. These bad fats contribute to the production of the pain hormone prostaglandin. Prostaglandins are known to increase menstrual cramps and pain. Another important reason to avoid saturated and trans-fats. Read all labels of packaged foods, avoid any food that contains hydrogenated oils or partially hydrogenated oils. There are "good" fats that should be consummed

The good fats:

- Canola Oil
- Olive Oil
- Flaxseed oil and Flaxseed meal
- Fatty Fish and Fish oil

Natural Treatment for PMDD and severe PMS - Medicinal Treatments

PMDD and severe PMS is sometimes treated with bioidentical natural progesterone in suppository or tablet form. You can choose between brand name formulas, such as Prometrium, or custom-compounded USP (bioidentical) progesterone from specialty pharmacies. Women taking progesterone should have their hormone levels checked every three to six months to ensure that the progesterone is not being converted into estrogen. Other women find that they respond well to different birth control pills.

Certain antidepression medication can also alleviate the symptoms of PMDD and severe PMS or at least lessen them. The latest trend in PMDD treatment is prescribed selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI's). Research does show relief from many symptoms but if the causes of PMS symptoms are nutritionally related, the nutrient deficiency could be masked. If drug therapy loses effectiveness, nutritional factors could be the reason.

The ebook offered below gives all the facts and information you should know to relieve your PMDD. See the link below to access the book; Womens Health - PMDD & PMS Treatment/Advice Ebook.

Why suffer each month with PMS or PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) when natural treatment for PMDD and severe PMS is available. Get all the facts and treatments for PMDD and severe PMS by reading the following ebook, available at the following website, Severe PMS. Your time is too valuable to be out of commission a a week out of every month. This book can solve the problems and symptoms of PMDD and severe PMS.

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