Thursday, April 1, 2010

Diets and exercise on PMS symptoms.

Researchers have conducted numerous studies about the effects of stress, nutrition, special diets and exercise on PMS symptoms, without arriving at any definite conclusions. The most that anyone can really say is that "sometimes" exercising helps. "Sometimes" dietary changes help and sometimes supplementation with B-vitamins, calcium or vitamin E help. The effect that any of these have on PMS hormone levels is unknown.

Relaxation techniques are recommended for a number of different health conditions. The condition in which it appears to be most effective is PMS, according to a study that evaluated a large number of other studies. Yoga and the relaxation response technique seem to be the most helpful.

Yoga is great, but when a woman’s schedule is already full, time may be an issue. Relaxation response is something that any woman, regardless of physical condition, can practice every day or numerous times a day. To achieve maximum levels of relaxation 15-20 minutes of "quiet time" are needed. It is a deep breathing exercise that involves focusing on each muscle group of the body and purposefully relaxing those muscles, followed by breathing in deeply and exhaling completely while you say the word "one".

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